Dog Talk LLC

 A training and wellness sanctuary for dogs and their humans!



Dog Talk Media © All Rights Reserved 2011

Dog Talk LLC

 A training and wellness sanctuary for dogs and their humans!



MA - Counseling Psychology - Antioch University

BS - Organizational Management - Leslie University

Board Certified Counselor, NBCC

Certified Professional Dog Trainer, CPDT

Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance  

Founder of Dog Talk LLC

Founder of New England Pet Partners Inc.

Author Daily Doga - Living and learning with dogs.  

Author of Awareness Centered Training - ACT, Train Your Dog, Change Your Life and publications on canine and human relationships, behavior and pet assisted therapy.

Contributing author, Children, Dogs and Education, Springer Pubs.


Maureen has presented workshops on dog behavior, family systems and dogs and pet assisted therapy.

Member of National Board of Certified Counselors, Association of Professional Dog Trainers, International Association of Behavior Consultants, Yoga Alliance and Pet Partners.

On a Personal Note  …


I have shared my life with dogs since I can remember. I used to study dog breeds in the back of Spiegel’s catalog (dating myself), threatening my mother daily that "When I grow up, I’m getting big dogs". True to my word, I have lived with big, small, 3-legged, deaf, pedigreed and mixed, along with a menagerie of other species.

My dear friend Stella, who passed away at 93, taught me, "It is a knowing that needs no words.”

Dr. Jane Goodall shares in Reason for Hope, "if I had one wish it would be to see the world through their eyes (chimpanzees) if only for a moment." I agree!

Cindy Fischer, M.Ed., TTouch Practitioner, co-founder of the Pet Wellness Festival and author of Pets Tell us a Story shared, "Animals  make me aware of my connectedness with others. In the big picture, we want the same thing, understanding, acceptance and love." We do!  

Dr. Ian Dunbar, a mentor whose lessons I revisit often shares, “Do what you are passionate about – people will disagree. Don’t get your knickers in a twist over mistakes – keeping trying. We can train using both science and feelings.”

Betty White, who I met at a therapy dog conference in Phoenix AZ shares, “Animals, dogs especially, teach us empathy. I don’t trust people who don’t like dogs.“  I AGREE! I find it peculiar when people say things like, “I’m not into animals”. WE ARE ALL ANIMALS!  


Connection with dogs gives me an opportunity to share my experiences with others. My intuition, instinct and observation skills have grown because of dogs. I trust my instincts and question my habits.

I have worked in corporate, have degrees, but dogs have changed my life! How lucky I am to be able to make even a small difference for dogs who happen to be connected to people.

I no longer care what anyone thinks about my passion for dogs. Living and learning with dogs is my legacy, something I can give to those who want some. Dogs make a difference in my life. Together we make a difference in other people’s lives.  

Not all us like the same dessert. To me, dogs are delicious. For this, I am forever grateful. For dogs, I will do whatever I can to lessen their burden through raising awareness, education, relationship and well-being.  

To my dogs and my dog friends ... I thank you with all my heart. Enjoy the Journey!


To learn more … consider a e-book or soft cover of Awareness Centered Training - ACT released  by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House.

Currently sharing my life with my partner, Gary, who embraces the benefits that pets bestow upon us, a Newf named Jesy Joy, Golden Retriever named Brio and a beautiful Border Terrier named Quin, two cats and two parrots.


About Maureen - Journey to Media / Articles for Publications - Resume

The Academic Stuff, as boring as it sounds, is an accomplishment to me. I did not get my Masters in Psychology until I was in my 40’s. Life experience is equally important.

Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. I consider myself an evolving work in progress.

The journey isn’t over until it is. I am grateful for the opportunity to share my life with dogs, other species and the people who “get it”.

Training Dogs Can Change Your Life

It sure as hell changed mine!       

Dog Talk Media © All Rights Reserved 2011